Since 1945, nuclear-armed states have detonated over 2,000 nuclear weapons, impacting communities around the world.
Learn more about the tests, survivors' stories and their activism for justice in the interactive map below.
Explore the Map
Atmospheric Test
Underground Test
Stories and Testimonials
Activism for Justice
The impacts of nuclear weapons spans continents and generations

Learn More about Nuclear Testing
While more research is needed, there are already a lot of in-depth resources out there about nuclear weapons testing, production and use and its impacts around the world.
If you're ready to dive deeper, we have collected some key resources.

It's time for accountability
Few survivors of nuclear testing anywhere in the world have ever been compensated for their suffering. Where efforts have been made to clean up former test sites, they have been woefully inadequate. The victims of these toxic experiments must not be forgotten – and their demands for justice and assistance must be met.

What you need to know about the tests
From 1945 to 2017, more than two thousand nuclear test explosions were conducted around the world, resulting in epidemics of cancers and other chronic illnesses. Large swathes of land remain radioactive and unsafe for habitation, even decades after test sites were closed.